Animal Game Idea.

Animal Game Idea.
Have an AMAZING Wildlife!

Monday 12 May 2014

Part 3 of Animal Game idea: Wild-Life

WOW it has been a LONG time. I wanted to make a part 3 because so many people commented on the last two and gave their opinions and i wanted to include them, give them credit and maybe expand on them.

First off i would like to say, i am so happy that a least a few of you would love to see this game. I am SO stumped as to why no one has even made this yet. Secondly id like to inform those of you that did not understand the last two posts, i am not creating this game (hopefully one day i can participate in the making of a game like this as i am doing Computer Science at uni this year) i am just sharing my ideas, like many other people have in the comments.

It is also so weird that i had this idea when i was 12 and now im 17. So crazy how it still hasnt been made into a game!

Anyway, i am going to now share with you all the people that have commented ideas and expand on them if needed.

FireF00X stated in their comment:
'An environment so big you you never could explore it all' 
This would be AMAZING as there would be unlimited fun. Of course this is not really possible, but a large map that would take a very long time to explore would be good.

Animalgirl stated in their comment:
'Without chat boxes because i hate people that blab about random stuff that doesn't go with the game'
i completely agree. NO chat boxes.

Annika Kapanen suggested:
'And just when your animal gets old. Then you could take on his/her recent cub etc, and all the animals you play would have a lil' bit different variations and they would differ few cm in height and in color and possibly some that have ran much could improve their endurance and strengh. After your character gets to have for example cubs. Then some of these skills and outlook would be passed on to these cubs. And then you could begin playing them when your character get old.'

gracez LOL suggested:
Every animals have their own 'special powers' like the leopard has a super lightning speed that can chase its preys quickly and add more graphics when the leopard speeds up (blurry background?). The birds has amazing eyesight from above to spot their prey and even a dive or a scooping technic can be added! For the hippos, I think it is really challenging which is great! But you can add scary teeth for them to fight/ scare off others to protect themselves. For the start as you are a baby, maybe you can add challenges like you need to drink milk once yo are hunger in order to survive and stay with your mother/ father, for birds you will need to snatch food and hide in a corner of the nest so that predators will not spot you easily.

I have recently just found a PC game that is SIMILAR to Afrika the PS3 game. Obviously the graphics arent as good but it looks like a good game (im going to torrent then play this game after i upload this blog post!)
The game is called: Wild Earth Africa

Looks pretty good huh??
Another idea i had was that, when you start out, you can create your animal, sort of like the customisations from Wolfquest or Spore  But i dont want it to be unrealistic customisation. You wouldnt be able to make a lion purple for example. I just thought it was a good idea that i could throw out there.

Spore creature creator:

ANY MORE IDEAS: Leave them in a comment below, so when i make another post i can include them!

Monday 20 June 2011

PC Games- Animal Game Idea

So, about a year ago i had this crazy idea of an animal game. -I'm pretty sure that you animal lovers out there don't want to make zoo's, take pictures of the animals, or shoot them, you want to BE them. 
 Have you ever heard of Wolfquest? Well, its a great game where you have to survive and BE the animal. And its a FREE downloadable game!  (
 Well, my game idea just improves on this: (I also joined Afrika (The PS3 Game) into the idea, because it has amazing graphics)

(this is hard to put in words, so please bare with me)
-I want it to improve on Wolfquest.
-Graphics: Better than Afrika (The PS3 game), i want to make it look REAL, to make it more life like.
-Story: I want the player to feel like they are the animal from the animals eyes. As a base game, I would like it to be set in Africa, in the Masai Mara or something like that. You can choose from a range of carnivores and herbivores to be such as - cheetahs, lions, leopards, gazelle, wildebeest, giraffes, elephants,warthogs and hyenas. All of them and many more. (more will probably be included in later expansions).
-There are to be no parks or humans, just the wild.
-View points - From the animals eyes, a medium shot (like the one in Wolfquest) and a long shot.
-The animal you choose will have to survive in the wild, mate, have cubs and if so, live in a pack and hunt with it and if your a male, protect it. etc.
- There should be vast landscapes, holes in the ground, hills, water holes, grass, mud, trees, forests everything that animals in africa would have in their natural habitat.

-There will also be seasons, such as dry seasons and rainy seasons. 
Don't get what i mean?

Example 1: A male lion. When he is born he will live in a pack with his mother and siblings, then be kicked out at 2 years old. He would have to survive on his own for a while until he finds a pride to take over, then have cubs, and protect its pride.  Same for a female lion, only, she will not leave the pride. She will stay, have cubs, and hunt with her pride. 
Example 2: A wildebeest. He would have to constantly look out for danger, find the best places to graze, fight for the right to mate etc.
Example 3: All animals would have to travel to a water hole in the dry season, where crocodiles will be waiting.
Also, the game should allow any carnivore to kill anything the player wants, providing the animal is strong enough. It will be a constant battle for survival.

I have thought of some expansion packs, such as adding marine wildlife and rainforest animals, more carnivores and herbivores and new maps. 
So basically just think of real life and try to recreate it into a PC game. Personally, I think any successful game producer has a great chance of producing this game.

There is probably only one game in the world right now that has great animal graphics and scenes - Afrika, for Play Station 3. The only problem is that its for PlayStation 3 and many people don't have one. Almost everyone, or every teenager has a laptop or a PC. So I'm sure that this game would do well if it was made. 
Name: Wild-life
OR      It's a Wild-life.
For those of you who want to see this made into a game then please show this blog to all of your animal loving friends, because if enough people see it, i'm sure a game producer is bound to hear about it and actually make this idea into a game!
I hope you like the idea,
   Yanna xxx

There is now a part 2 blog. if you didn't understand what i mean, i give more examples in this second blog. Click here

Pics of Afrika: (Imagine playing as these wonderful animals, with amazing graphics!!)

Part 2 of Animal Game idea: Wild-Life

Most of you don't know what Wolfquest is ( here are some pictures:

Here are some more Afrika (The PS3 Game, Click on any of the pictures to see the trailer on youtube)

 I know right, you want to see more! SUCH AWESOME GRAPHICS!!!

This blog (part 2) will give you more examples, just incase you didn't get it.

Example 4: An african bird of some sort. You will live next to a waterhole, in a tree or some sort of long grass, so you have a good source of water. For food you could eat fish or small insects and rodents (depending on how big your species size is) You would find a mate and then start to find sticks to make a nest with- your mate would help you with this. When your young ones are born, you will have to provide food for them and fend off predators. When they grow older, you could migrate to another waterhole and start the life cycle all over again.

Example 5: A hippo. If you are a male then you would have to fight your way to the top to ensure that you mate with as many female hippos as possible to pass on genes. When your children are born, your job, would have to be to fight and get rid of predators and even other hippos, to make sure that all of your children have enough to eat and space to live. If you don't fend off all the predators or other hippos then you will end up loosing your territory to other males, which would kill your offspring. Either way, if you loose territory, your children will be killed. This is why you need to fight until death to pretect your extended family.

Example 6: You could also start off as a baby being born with your siblings, and then live on from there.

Example 7: You may be a wide range of other animals, such as snakes, rodents, african wild dogs, and birds.

Need more information? 
Or do you want me to try and explain the idea in simpler terms?
Leave a comment below to tell me what you think. If enough people see it, im sure this will be made into a game eventually!

Yanna xxx